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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
WZ +cogwheel & square 25
X TANKI +cogwheel & flames 9, 41, 42
X2 +cogwheel 9
XOBONICS +cogwheel 41
XPT XTRA POWER +cogwheel 7
XTRAKUT +cogwheel 7
YARROW +arrows & cogwheel 19
YASH ALBUM +man & cogwheel 16
YASHASIMPEX +cogwheel ovals 10
YASHI ROYAL PUMP +cogwheel 7
YASHIKA ARTS +cogwheel 40
YBX +cogwheel 12
YESSEM +cogwheel & ribbon 29, 30
YI TZUNG K.Y.S. +cogwheel 7
YMB +cogwheel 7
YODDHA +cogwheel 9, 16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 38, 41, 42
YOUNG +cogwheel 7
YUG +arc circle & cogwheel 21
YUKA +cogwheel & stripes 7
YUMIK +arrow & cogwheel 7, 8
Z SHIBA +cogwheel 6
Z ZEDSOL +drop & cogwheel 4
cogwheel 41
Z ZOCHEM PHARMA +cogwheel 35
Z ZOTIKOS +cogwheel 9
Z ZWMCSL +cogwheel 6
ZALIM-x +snake & cogwheel 5
ZAPRUST +cogwheel 3
ZE TEX +cogwheel 12
ZEALTOP +arcs & cogwheel 5
ZED +cogwheel & square 30, 44
ZED +cogwheel & squares 28, 29, 31, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
ZEDEX +cogwheel & arrows 12
ZEEL +cogwheel 12
ZENA MONTA +cogwheel 8
ZEVEN +cogwheel 9, 16
ZEVEN +arrows & cogwheel 15, 18
ZEW bath fittings +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 35
ZOUQ +flower & cogwheel 30
a AKASH +cogwheel & circles 6
a AMBER +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 30
a ARIHANT ACADEMY +cogwheel 16
a-one TOUNCH +cogwheel 42
a.1 SKC +cogwheel 29
a.i.p. +man & cogwheel 12
aa ANKIT +cogwheel 12
akg product +cogwheel 18
animal & cogwheel 4
arcs cogwheel & square 35
arcs & cogwheel 7, 9, 12, 35, 37, 40
arcs circle & cogwheel 37
arcs cross & cogwheel 18, 25, 35
cogwheel 1
arrow cogwheel & circle 40
arrows & cogwheel 15, 18
b BHURAT GROUP +cogwheel 36
cogwheel 45
bb BABA BHAI +cogwheel plan 30
bd BODY DECOR +cogwheel 25
bdm +cogwheel 31
best CHAMAK paris +cogwheel 19
best GRIP +cogwheel 6
bharat +cogwheel 9
bird & cogwheel 9, 35, 38, 39, 42
bj MANCHANDA +cogwheel 7, 9, 12
bj SHELCO genuine +cogwheel 12
book circle & cogwheel 41
box man building & cogwheel 35
bs +flask & cogwheel 17
btu BANTEX +cogwheel 9
build MAX +cogwheel & hand 7
bulb & cogwheel 35, 41, 42, 45
c CROWN +cogwheel 12
cane in cogwheel 30
career ENGINE +cogwheel 35
cogwheel 1
cgi CYCLE GEARS +cogwheel 12
circle & cogwheel 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 42
circle arrow & cogwheel 7, 42
circle plants & cogwheel 5
cnc +cogwheel & squares 7
cock STEEL +bird & cogwheel 8
conch & cogwheel 35, 39, 45
crown glass & cogwheel 43
cylinder & cogwheel 16
d DOCTOR +cogwheel & circle 7
de-luxe +oval & cogwheel 7
disc STAKKA +cogwheel 9
cogwheel 42
e +cogwheel & circle 25
e EXCELL +cogwheel 6
e e-foam +cogwheel 17
f.i.e.m. +cogwheel 11
face circles & cogwheel 16, 25, 36
face ovals & cogwheel 9, 35, 38, 41, 42, 45
cogwheel 7
fit +bird & cogwheel 9, 12
fitwell +bird & cogwheel 9, 11
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